Blog it yourself

Archive for May 2010

Avatar, Alice, My Bloody Valentine, Shutter Island… We have lost count of the number of movies available in 3D. We have also lost count of the number of glasses distributed in the theatres. 7000 of them have recently been confiscated by the Italian Health Ministry for “heath reasons.” Officials claimed that they were not cleaned properly between the screenings and could spread germs, infections and louse.

But that is not all. American professor Martin Banks -university of Berkeley, California- just published a study about the “optical conflict” caused by 3D glasses. By changing the relationship between the eyes and the brain, they can cause headaches, blurred vision and nausea.

The huge success of Avatar -which had made 1.859 billion dollars six weeks after its release- should discourage the cinematic industry from spreading the news.

  • None
  • Cécilia: well done, nora! this is a great video resume!
  • Camille: Cou cou ! Very interesting article, I didn't even know that Les Echos tried to launch an e-newspaper ! I will always remember a passage of Minority
