Blog it yourself


Posted on: October 1, 2009

Salami attack. That does not consist in throwing salami at your neighbours, it is actually a cybercrime. A financial one, to be more specific. The key is to make the alteration so small that in a single case it would go unnoticed.


A bank employee, for example, could steal only a few cents from each of his clients and make a significant amount of money at the end.

You may wonder why such name was given to these attacks. It comes from another expression, “salami slicing”. As salami slices are really thin, these actions are too small to be seen. These tactics were obviously not born with the cyberspace. In politics, the term has been used since the 1940’s to refer to a process of threats and alliances used to fight the opposition.

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  • Cécilia: well done, nora! this is a great video resume!
  • Camille: Cou cou ! Very interesting article, I didn't even know that Les Echos tried to launch an e-newspaper ! I will always remember a passage of Minority
